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This project would not be possible without the help of the people listed below. Mapping the next chapter of Grand Theft Auto is a community effort, thousands of people have contributed in some way or another to the project.

Join the GTA VI Mapping Discord to get involved.



Map Layers

DuPz0r tachyon_v DazRave Fido_le_muet u/egnationnn

Additional credits

People that helped in some way or another, with their knowledge, time, data or other resources.

Aupx BKG BlackScout C4K3 Church of GTA ClawMaster DX DaLexy DerekLeet FranciscoM FrenchAug GTA-Fan_made Radio Glenn 'SlamTilt' Pegden IAmAtYourWindows JKD Jaxrud Jstarr31 Koeklin KwiG Kyo LangusMcgee Long Long Time Mati Mattineu Mehaniq Musa98 Nikhil Nite Orthur Pixelclone Rafamendes Raptexalicious SerSalty Sk8d3r Skena SpaceVolcano Stinger Sunmoth The Dude™ ThisGoesToEleven TreeFitty Tuffy V Vista Waffles Syrup babydracula cr0ssm g_m_m_san4san_00 garza golden gunz mesa mono rlx sirstirfry